Friday, August 22, 2008

My Own Personal Holiday

Today is a holiday for us Lloyds... I hit my 28 week mark, which I feel is the biggest of my pregnancy. The triplets really could come anytime now, but I hope to keep them cooking for another month, and don't have any reason to think they are coming soon. On Sunday I went in to Labor and Delivery again because my contractions wouldn't stop. They discussed giving me steroid shots to help develop the babies lungs, but decided against it. They explained to me that they do this only if they feel the babies will be coming within a week, and they didn't feel that was the case in my situation. I was given medication to stop the contractions and after about 5-6 hours was sent on my way. My cervix is still long and closed. My ultrasound on Tuesday showed no problems. All of the girls have great heartbeats and plenty of amniotic fluid. They will measure the babies growth and give weight estimates at my ultrasound this coming Tuesday. I'm pulling for little Claire to have had a big growth spurt! I can really tell the girls are growing, not just because of the size of me, but how forceful their movements are becoming. It's amazing to watch my stomach when they all get moving. Feeling them move really is one of the best parts of being pregnant. It's a happy holiday!


Tiffany said...

I'm so happy for you! You guys are always in our prayers!! I still need to bring clothes to you!!!

Natalie said...

I'm so happy about your holiday! We are also always thinking of you and your family. Good luck in the next few weeks!

Brig and Ashlee said...

It was so much fun to see you guys last weekend. You look great! I agree that feeling the baby(babies) move is one of the best parts of pregnancy. Just make sure Derek takes good care of you.

jessica said...

What a relief to hit week 28, I am sooooooooo happy for you! Good luck, and keep up the good work.

Amanda C said...

That is so great! We are sending prayers your way.

Delgado Fam said...

I am so excited for the little ones to come... its almost here!! Keep em cookin! I love you Stephie.. our little ones can grow up and play together :)