Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm starting to sound like a broken record....

My posts aren't very exciting these days.... nothing much has changed with the triplets. They are all still doing great. As far as the incubator (aka me) I have my days and I have my little breakdowns from time to time, but they pass. All I have to do is remind myself that this is temporary and the babies are great and that is usually enough to lift my spirits.
My ultrasound last Tuesday showed that the girls all continue to thrive. Thank heavens. My cervix is still unchanged. Dr. Sullivan told me "That's an amazing cervical length at this point, even for someone carrying one baby." She then went on to say something that made me laugh out loud "Your body was built to carry triplets." That comment was so ironic to me seeing as it takes a freaking miracle to GET me pregnant, but once I do I can carry a whole litter like a champ. Not much more to report.... Here's yet another belly shot. Is it seriously possible to be any more pregnant than this?


Casey said...

you look great...we just had our twins yesterday, and as miserable as i was at the end, it was, of course, worth it. it was hard to remember that there was an end in sight though, and i just about went crazy, but they finally came! good luck!

Natalie said...

Steph - seriously you look great! I'm so glad things continue to go well! I agree with the doctor - you must be built to carry lots of babies. I know lots of people who can't carry one without complications and here you are with triplets doing great. Congrats! We are thinking of you guys!

The Johnson Family said...

Yes it is possible to look more pregnant than that! You honestly do not look like you are carrying more than one child. I just don't know what you are talking about. I miss you and wish that we had been able to get together before I left, maybe for Christmas huh! Hope things continue to go great!

SuzyO said...


I LOVE your posts. I check your blog daily to see if there are any updates. I can't wait to see how darling each little baby will be!

Are you on full bed rest?

Brig and Ashlee said...

I'm so glad that all is still well. I am in awe at how great you look. How come your face isn't all swollen? Let me know how you do it. I know how uncomfortable I am already with just one I can't even imagine what it must feel like with three. It'll all be worth it very soon. You are a trooper and I love to read the updates on you and your family.

jessica said...

Your tummy is getting huge, but you are so dang cute! I am soooooo HAPPY that things are going so well with the triplets. Thanks for the update.

Breanne said...

Steph you look awesome! Honestly, you are hanging in like a champ! Just think, it won't be too much longer. These babies are going to be so much fun.

stacey said...

steph!! so glad everything is going so well. i think/pray about you and the girls often. i must say you look fabulous!! really! keep up the good work.

Pead Family said...

YEA! I am so happy to hear that they are all still in you and doing well. I love to check the blog and get the updates on you. You look so cute. You would never know you have 3 in there. I looked like that with one at about 8 months. Your body must be built for it. Congrats, what an exciting time. Hang in there. Those babies are going to be so healthy the way you are able to pack them around and keep them cooking for so long in you.

bloggingchristy said...

You're doing great and I seriously don't think you realize how GREAT you look. If you want to see me at nine months to make you feel better you can check out my blog!! Remember I only have one!!

Really, it will make you feel small!!

Jen said...

Stephanie!! You look so beautiful! You DO carry triplets like a champ! I am so proud of you. Hang in there. This will pass. And PLEASE don't hesitate to call if you need anything.

Emily said...

Hey Stephanie! You look amazing! I can't believe you're having triplets! WOW. And yes, I looked just as pregnant as you when I was carrying ONE child. I cannot tell you how many people asked me if I was having twins! I just delivered a 10 pound baby two weeks ago (and he came two weeks early!). I too have had fertility problems. I never thought I would be a mom, but one day out of the clear blue, I GOT PREGNANT. Just one week after our 9th wedding anniversary, I gave birth to our daughter who is now two. I admire your positive attitude. Please tell me you will have help when the triplets come!

Congratulations again, and I will check in to see how you are doing. I have a blog as well at

Take care,

Emily Probst Lesher