Thursday, November 20, 2008

My New Life

Do I dare say that I'm starting to feel like things might be under control? We've remained on our same schedule, which basically consists of feeding every 3-4 hours, then "play time" if you can call being in a bouncer or tummy time "playing" then back to sleep after an hour or two until it's time to eat again. During the night, they all go right back to bed after eating and are actually sleeping very well. Last night they slept from 11 pm to 4 am. Fabulous. I must give credit where credit is due here... Derek is super dad and not only are these girls incredibly lucky to have such a hands on, affectionate and loving daddy, but I would be in the lunie bin without him. After the first few days of the girls being home, I was pretty exhausted and my breast milk supply was diminishing. He decided to take the night shifts and since then I've turned back into a dairy cow. Derek comes and gets me when it's time for feedings, and in between time he soothes them if they wake up. He rotates them sleeping on his chest. He says he loves the night shift because he doesn't get to spend time with them during the day while he's at work. What a wonderful man I married. Feeding time is basically down to a science. I have this enourmous pillow that straps to me and allows me to breastfeed two at a time. Once I get them both to latch on, I can hold a bottle for the third baby who is next to us on the floor in a Boppy. Burping them all gets pretty interesting and they all enjoy projectile pooping the second their diapers come off. We turned our living room into a nursery. All four bedrooms are upstairs and it would be difficult, even dangerous to be hauling oxygen tanks attached to babies up and down the steep wooden stairs.
The girls are doing great. Claire is off of Oxygen and Lia is getting close to coming off. The girls are growing like weeds! Lia is over 8 pounds, Brynn is 7 1/2 and Claire is almost 7 pounds. I fall in love with each of them more every day.


MDtripmom said...

So glad to hear that you're figuring things out...sounds to me like you and your hubby make a great team! We ended up doing the same thing as you with the living room nursery and it has worked wonders!

Natalie said...

You guys are so great at this - what a good team! I'm impressed with them sleeping so good! So glad to hear that things are so great!

Sweet Tweets Boutique said...

Can you say...I'M STILL IN SHOCK!! You are amazing! They are so cute too!

Greg and Sarah said...

You both are amazing. I am SO glad that things are going so well. Those girls are just so cute (all 4)!!!

Delgado Fam said...

You and Derek are great together. That makes me so happy. I just have to say you have the best blog of anyone I know. I log on at least 3 times a day to see new postings.. keep em comin!!! =)

The Johnson Family said...

You guys are awesome! I always knew Derek would be that kind of Dad! Beautiful family. We miss you guys.

Sherrie Batty said...

You are an amazing family. I always marvel at the wisdom of having husband and wife work together to raise a family... husbands are a great blessing. Good luck with everything.

Margaret W. Hammond, RDN said...
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Margaret W. Hammond, RDN said...

What a great report! I am so happy to hear things are going well. See, you CAN do this! The girls are beautiful and they have such great parents. I think of you often and am always available if you need something from the store, etc.